Changing My Mindset

Changing My Mindset

Law of Attraction Health Affirmations

Law of Attraction Health Affirmations

Believe it or not, using the law of attraction health affirmations for health improvements can provide you with the motivation and consistency to achieve your health and wellness goals. No, seriously!

Sometimes it can be difficult to stay on track, especially if you are trying to break bad habits. Using affirmations is a quick and proven way to change your mindset. 

This post is About the Law of Attraction Health Affirmations. 

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself. They’re designed to help you focus on the positive and overcome negative thoughts or beliefs. 

By repeating affirmations, you can train your brain to think more positively and build your self-confidence. 

Affirmations work by changing the neural pathways in your brain, which can improve your mood and reduce stress. 

They can be sued to improve any area of your life, from health and relationships to career and finances. 

The key to using affirmations effectively is to repeat them regularly and believe in their power. 

You can create your own affirmations or use pre-made ones that resonate with you. 

Overall affirmations are a powerful tool for improving your mindset and achieving your goals. 

How to use affirmations

To use affirmations, choose a few positive statements that resonate with you. 

Repeat these statements to yourself regularly, preferably daily, either out loud or silently in your mind. 

As you repeat the affirmations, try to visualise yourself embodying their message. 

Focus on the feeling that the affirmation brings up, such as confidence or joy. 

Use affirmations in conjunction with other positive habits, such as exercise or meditation, to reinforce their effect. 

Remember that affirmations work best when you believe in their power and are open to their positive effects. 

Incorporate affirmations into your daily routine, such as during your morning routine or before bed. 

Be patient and consistent, as it may take time for affirmations to have a noticeable effect on your mindset. 

Overall, the key to using affirmations effectively is to make them a regular part of your routine and believe in their power to help you achieve your goals. 


How to structure affirmations

There are a few key elements to consider when structuring affirmations:

Use positive language

Affirmations should focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want. For example, instead of saying “I don’t want to be sick”, say “I am healthy and strong.”

Keep them simple 

Affirmations should be short and easy to remember. Aim for one or two sentences at most. 

Use present tense

Affirmations should be stated in the present tense as if they are already true. For example, say “I am successful,” rather than ” I will be successful.”

Make them personal

Affirmations should be tailored to your specific goals and desires. Use “I” statements to make them more personal and relevant to you. 

Use emotion

Affirmations should evoke positive emotions, such as joy, gratitude, or confidence. Choose words that resonate with you and create a positive feeling. 

Here’s an example of a well-structured affirmation: “I am worthy of love and respect and I attract positive relationships into my life.” It’s positive, simple, stated in the present tense, personal and uses emotion. 

Law of Attraction Health Affirmations

  1. My body is healthy and strong
  2. I am grateful for the health I have 
  3. My immune system is powerful and effective
  4. I love taking care of my body and mind
  5. I radiate good health and vitality
  6. I nourish my body and healthy food and exercise 
  7. I am surrounded by positive energy that promotes good health 
  8. My mind is clear and focused
  9. I trust my body’s ability to heal itself 
  10. I am worthy of a healthy and happy life
  11. I am capable of making healthy choices for myself
  12. My Body is a temple and I treat it with respect
  13. I am in control of my health and wellness 
  14. I release any negative thoughts or beliefs about my health 
  15. I am grateful for my body’s resilience and strength
  16. Every cell in my body is healthy and vibrant 
  17. I am worthy of optimal health and well-being
  18. My body is a powerful and resilient vessel 
  19. I trust my body to heal and recover from any illness
  20. I am grateful for the abundance of fresh, healthy food available to me
  21. I am committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle 
  22. I choose to live a life full of energy and vitality 
  23. I am grateful for my body’s natural healing abilities 
  24. I am worthy of taking care of myself 
  25. I am surrounded by positive and supportive people who promote good health 
More health affirmations
  1. I am thankful for every opportunity to improve my health and well-being
  2. I am worthy of investing time and effort in my health 
  3. I am grateful for my body’s ability to adapt and grow
  4. I am thankful for my body’s ability to heal and recover 
  5. I am worthy of making my health a top priority 
  6. My body is capable of achieving optimal health and well-being 
  7. I am grateful for the resources available to me to support my health 
  8. I am thankful for my body’s ability to communicate its needs to me 
  9. I am worthy of investing in my health and wellness every day
  10. I am surrounded by love, positivity and good health 
  11. I trust my body’s intuition when it comes to making healthy choices
  12. I am grateful for the gift of good health
  13. I am committed to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle
  14. I am worthy of taking care of myself inside and out
  15. I am grateful for the abundance of natural remedies available to me
  16. My mind and body are in perfect harmony and balance 
  17. I am thankful for the good health of my loved ones
  18. I am worthy of taking the necessary steps to improve my health 
  19. I am surrounded by positive energy that promotes healing and well-being
  20. I am grateful for the opportunity to live a long and healthy life 
  21. I am thankful for my body’s ability to adapt to changes in my environment
  22. I am worthy of making my health and wellness to top priority 
  23. I am grateful for my body’s ability to regenerate and renew itself
  24. I am surrounded by a supportive community that encourages good health 
  25. I am worthy of investing in my health every day