Simple Ways On How To Raise Your Vibration

Hello lovely reader, today we will explore the wonders of our vibrational energy. Yep, you heard me, you are a vibrational energy.
In the glorious world of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, having a high ‘vibe’ is essential for attracting what you want. If you are not tuned into the right frequency, you will struggle to manifest your desires.
But fear not dear reader, you’re in the right place to learn everything you need on how to raise your vibration.
So let’s dive into how to raise your vibration.
This blog post is about how to raise your vibration

Understanding Your Vibration
Vibrational energy is the concept that everything in the Universe emits energy in different frequencies.
We, as humans emit energy through our thoughts, which sends out a vibrational frequency into the Universe. This vibration and frequency that we emit then draws to us what we are in tune with.
Low vs High Vibration
Have you ever had days where you feel tired, and sluggish and everything is just an effort? This is a low-vibe day and can be caused by feelings of sadness, anger, jealousy or fear.
This will cause you to feel as though you’re walking with a weight on your shoulders, you constantly feel tired. You’ll probably lack motivation and will struggle to be inspired by anything.
On the flip side, however, you can be in a high vibe. These are the days you feel alive, full of energy and want to get stuff done.
These high vibrations are associated with feelings of happiness, love, gratitude, and peace.
On these high-vibe days, you’ll feel motivated, enthusiastic, and full of great ideas. You’ll attract positive experiences or people that align with your manifestations.
The Impact of Your Vibration
It’s not surprising that depending on whether you are in a low or high vibe, will affect your life.
If you are constantly feeling low, you will experience nothing but problems. You’ll fail to see the good the world can offer you, and you will miss opportunities because you’re in a low vibe.
This isn’t just ‘bad luck’, it’s about how your energy interacts with the Universe.
Being in a high vibe can have transformative effects on your life. You’re letting the Universe know that you’re open to opportunities that align with your desires.
You’ll easily find solutions to any problems you may have and have positive experiences.
Reflect on Your Current State
The first step to creating and being in a high vibration is understanding how you feel at the moment.
Are you happy?
Do you feel optimistic about life?
Are there moments you feel overwhelmed?
Asking yourself these questions and being honest with yourself about how you feel, are the first steps in understanding how to raise your vibration.
The Importance of Your Mindset
Your mindset is the foundation of any change you want to see, it’s the thing that shapes our perceptions, influences our reactions, and will dictate the frequency of our vibration.
How Mindset Influences Vibration
Your mindset is the most powerful tool you own and yet it is probably the most neglected.
Your mindset is how you view the world, and how you tackle bad situations, it dictates how you choose to show up for yourself each day.
The energy we send out into the Universe is dictated by our thoughts and beliefs. This is why it’s so important to nurture your mindset and fill it with positive experiences. By doing this we raise our vibration and open the door to endless possibilities.
Here’s how to raise your vibration:
Practice Gratitude
Focus on the positive aspects of your life. Start each day writing 3 things down that you are grateful for. It also helps, when you are having fun or having a good day, say a big thank you to the Universe.
Embrace Challenges
Change and tough times can be difficult to manage, but if you see them as new opportunities, to learn and grow this will change your vibrational energy.
Surround Yourself with Positivity
We all have that one friend who is a bit of a Debbie Downer! It’s time to limit the amount of time you spend with people who bring down your mood.
I personally love affirmations! They are positive statements you repeat daily to shift your mindset. You can start with something simple such as ‘I deserve happiness’ – because you do!
Mindfulness Meditation
Start to practice being present, allow yourself to focus on the here and now, rather than being troubled by past events, or possible future issues.
Nutrition and Physical Health
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good binge on snacks now and again, but the link between our physical health and vibrational energy is undeniable.
Our body needs the right nutrition and physical health to give us the right energy. Have you ever noticed that top performers always seem to be fit and healthy, well it’s for a reason.
The Connection Between Physical Health and Vibration
When we eat foods that are rich in nutrients our body converts this into energy, enhancing our ability to vibrate at a higher frequency. The same applies to physical exercise, this helps us to increase our energy levels further.
On the flip side, consuming lots of processed foods and high sugars will leave you lethargic and dull. This lack of energy has a direct impact on the energy you put out into the Universe.
Here’s how to raise your vibration:
Eat More Whole Foods
Add more fruits and vegetables as these are packed with essential nutrients.
Stay Hydrated
Water is essential in aiding digestion, it also helps to flush out toxins and allows you to stay hydrated.
Exercise Routine
Find an exercise routine that fits into your schedule and one that you enjoy. This will help boost your mood and energy levels.
Mindful Eating
Keep a diary of how certain foods make you feel is important. Certain foods will make you feel energised or sluggish.
Listen To Your Body
Your body won’t lie to you, it will tell you what it needs and when. Responding to them can help maintain your vibrational energy.
Maintaining a High Vibrational Level
We’ve explored how to raise our vibrational energy above, but I want to provide you with tips on how to maintain a high vibrational energy.
It can be easy with the day-to-day stresses of life to fall into a low vibration, making some minor adjustments will help you to avoid this.
How to Stay in a High Vibration
Routine check-ins
This could be once a week or once a month but set some time aside to notice where you might be feeling negative. Note them down and make it a priority to address them.
Stay Grounded
This isn’t about being humbled. It’s about remaining present through either meditation, deep breathing or taking a walk in your back garden barefoot. All of these practices can keep your energy balanced.
Limiting Negative Influences
Whether this is friends, family or social media, ensure you surround yourself with positive people.
Continuous Learning and Growth
To prevent stagnation in your life, continue to learn and explore hobbies and interests that you find enjoyment in.
Physical Activity
This can be something as simple as taking a daily walk, you don’t have to start running marathons unless that’s your thing. But move your body and maintain that high vibration.
Your Vibrational Journey
Well, dear reader, I hope you’re journey on how to raise your vibration has been informative and showcases how simple changes to your life can change your energy.
Remember, the Universe is always taking notice of the energy you are sending out. This doesn’t mean you can’t have your bad days; we all do! It just means that it doesn’t serve you to dwell on moments of negativity.
Honour yourself with the right to submerge yourself in the world of positivity and raise your vibration to attract the energy and desires you wish.
This blog post was about how to raise your vibration
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