Changing My Mindset

Discovering Your Core Values

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core values

Have you ever found yourself standing in front of the fridge, not sure why you opened it in the first place?

Or perhaps you’ve binge-watched an entire season of a show you didn’t even like, just because Netflix suggested it?

Don’t worry; we’ve all been there.

Life can often feel like a series of these bewildering moments, leaving us questioning what truly matters.

Here’s a little secret: those moments of feeling lost might have more to do with your core values and beliefs than you think.

Core values and beliefs are like the GPS of your life.

They guide your decisions, shape your behaviour, and define what you find meaningful.

Think of them as the playlist you’d choose for your life’s soundtrack, full of your favourite tunes that keep you motivated and focused.

Imagine waking up every day with a clear sense of purpose, knowing exactly what drives you and why you’re doing what you do.

Discovering your core values can unlock a life that’s not just about getting through the day but about truly living each moment in alignment with what enriches and inspires you.

So, buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey to uncover those values and beliefs, leading you toward a more fulfilling and inspired life.

This blog post is about core values

core values

What Are Core Values and Beliefs

Core values and beliefs are like the invisible threads that weave through the fabric of our lives.

They are the deeply held principles that guide our actions, influence our decisions, and shape our perceptions of the world.

Think of them as your personal compass, pointing you toward what feels right and meaningful.

Unlike fleeting interests or hobbies, core values are enduring and represent what truly matters to you at your core.

To put it simply, core values are those principles you hold dear, like honesty, compassion, and independence.

For example, if honesty is one of your core values, you’ll likely prioritise truthfulness in your interactions, even when it’s difficult.

If compassion is central to you, you may find yourself drawn to helping others and being empathetic.

And if independence is a core value, you might thrive in situations where you can make your own decisions and carve your own path.

  • Honesty: Valuing truth and integrity in all interactions.
  • Compassion: Prioritising kindness and empathy towards others.
  • Independence: Cherishing self-reliance and autonomy.

So, why bother identifying these core values and beliefs?

Because understanding them is crucial for personal growth and decision-making.

When you know what you stand for, making choices becomes much simpler.

Instead of feeling pulled in a million directions, you can confidently navigate life’s challenges, knowing your actions are in line with your values.

Identifying your core values helps you set meaningful goals, build strong relationships, and find greater satisfaction in everyday life.

In short, they’re the secret ingredients to living a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.

invest in myself

Why It's Easy To Overlook Core Values

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of everyday distractions.

We’re bombarded with notifications, emails, and social media alerts, all vying for our attention.

It’s like living in a never-ending episode of “Survivor,” where the challenge is to see if you can get through your to-do list without being sidetracked by a cat video or an online sale.

Between the pressure to keep up with the latest trends, manage work responsibilities, and maintain a social life, who has the time to sit down and ponder their core values?

We’re so busy juggling everything that we rarely pause to think about what truly matters.

It’s no wonder our core values get buried under a pile of unread emails and unfinished Netflix series.

The real trouble with overlooking our core values is that it leaves us feeling like we’re drifting aimlessly through life.

Imagine driving a car without a steering wheel—you might be moving, but who knows where you’ll end up?

Without a clear understanding of what you stand for, decisions can feel like throwing darts in the dark.

You may find yourself agreeing to things that don’t resonate with you or chasing goals that leave you feeling unfulfilled.

The impact of ignoring our core values can manifest in various ways, such as feeling constantly dissatisfied, experiencing inner conflict, or even burnout from pursuing things that don’t align with who you truly are.

Without this internal compass, life can become a series of “shoulds” rather than “wants,” leading to a lack of genuine happiness and purpose.

Core Values Course

Ready to take your self-discovery journey to the next level?

Introducing our comprehensive online course designed to help you dive deep into the world of core values and beliefs.

This course isn’t just about theory; it’s a hands-on, immersive experience that empowers you to explore, identify, and live by your core values.

Whether you’re just starting your journey or looking to refine what you already know, this course provides the tools and guidance you need to align your life with what truly matters.

What makes this course stand out from the rest?

Here are some key features that make it a must-have for anyone looking to discover their core values:

Expert Guidance

Learn from experienced instructors who have helped countless individuals uncover their core values and live more meaningful lives. Our experts are passionate about sharing their knowledge and insights with you.

Interactive Exercises

Engage in  our exclusive Core Values course companion worksheet. These activities are crafted to be both enlightening and enjoyable, ensuring you stay motivated throughout the course.

Supportive Community

Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are also on their journey of self-discovery. Where you can ask your biggest core values-related questions

Flexible Learning

Access course materials at your own pace, from the comfort of your home. Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, the course is designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule.


By enrolling in this course, you’ll gain the clarity and confidence needed to make choices that resonate with your true self.

Here’s how the course can transform your life:

Recognise Core Values

Identify the core values that define you and learn how to incorporate them into your daily life, ensuring that your actions and decisions align with your authentic self.

Honour Your Beliefs

Develop strategies to honour your core beliefs, leading to greater satisfaction and fulfilment in both personal and professional spheres.

Empower Decision-Making

With a clear understanding of your core values, you’ll be equipped to make decisions with confidence, reducing stress and uncertainty in your life.

Enhance Personal Growth

Embrace a life of continuous growth and improvement by living in alignment with your core values, unlocking your full potential and living a life that truly inspires you.

what to do when you feel stuck in life

Are you ready to transform your life by discovering and living in alignment with your core values?

Don’t let the distractions of everyday life hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Now is the perfect time to take control and embark on a journey of personal growth and fulfilment.

We invite you to enrol in our online course, designed specifically to guide you through the process of uncovering your core values and using them to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and clarity.

Imagine waking up every day with a clear sense of purpose, feeling empowered to make choices that truly resonate with who you are.

Our course will equip you with the tools and insights needed to live authentically and meaningfully.

Join our community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and start making impactful changes in your life today.

This blog post was about core values