Changing My Mindset

Changing My Mindset

The Essential Guide to the 369 Manifestation Method

The Essential Guide To The 369 Manifestation Method

369 manifestation method

Ever wondered how some people seem to attract success and happiness as if by magic? Well, it’s not all fairy dust and wishful thinking. There’s a method to the magic—enter the 369 manifestation method. Popularised by the mystique of Nikola Tesla’s belief in the power of numbers, this simple yet profound practice has been a game-changer for many, including me.

Now, I’m curious—have you ever felt a deep desire for change but didn’t know where to start? Ever wonder if there’s a secret key to unlocking a life of joy, success, and fulfilment? Well, maybe the 369 method is for you. 

This blog post is about the 369 manifestation method

369 manifestation method

What is the 369 Manifestation Method

Dive into the heart of transformation with the 369 manifestation method, a practice grounded in the mystical power of numbers. At its core, this method draws inspiration from the legendary inventor Nikola Tesla, who famously stated, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” Tesla believed these numbers held unique properties that could unlock the secrets of energy, frequency, and vibration.

So, what exactly is the 369 manifestation method, and how can it serve as your personal key to the universe? At its simplest, the method involves focusing your intentions and desires into the universe through the repetitive writing of specific affirmations—aligned with the numbers 3, 6, and 9. This practice is not just about wishful thinking; it’s about creating a vibrational match for what you seek.

Here’s how you can incorporate this powerful method into your daily routine:

Morning (3 times)

Start your day with clarity and intention. Write down your chosen affirmation or desire three times in the morning. This sets the tone for your day, energising your intentions with the freshness of a new dawn.

Afternoon (6 times)

As the day progresses, reinforce your morning’s intentions. Midday, when the sun is at its peak, write down your affirmation six times. This acts as a reminder of your goals and keeps your energy focused as the day unfolds.

Night (9 times)

End your day on a note of gratitude and reinforcement. Before you go to sleep, write your affirmation nine times. This practice not only embeds your desires into your subconscious mind but also aligns your energy with the universe’s, creating a powerful attraction force as you drift into sleep.

The beauty of the 369 method lies in its simplicity and the profound impact it can have on your life. By diligently practising this method, you invite the universe to conspire in helping you achieve your deepest desires. It’s about more than just manifesting; it’s about transforming your life through the power of focused intention and belief.

The Science and Belief Behind the Numbers

In the enchanting realm of numerology and energy work, numbers are not just symbols of quantity but carriers of unique vibrations and meanings. Among these, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 stand out as pillars of a universal code, resonating with the very fabric of existence. Let’s gently unravel the tapestry of these numbers without getting tangled in technical jargon.

The Number 3

Often associated with creativity, communication, and expression, the number 3 carries the vibration of growth, expansion, and the principles of increase. It symbolises the connection between mind, body, and spirit, and the manifestation of creative endeavours into reality. Think of the number 3 as the spark that ignites the flame of your imagination, encouraging you to express your desires and dreams into the universe.

The Number 6

This number vibrates with the energy of balance, harmony, and stability. In energy work, the number 6 is seen as the heart of love, healing, and nurturing. It encourages us to create a sense of peace and equilibrium in our lives, balancing our material desires with spiritual growth. The number 6 acts as a gentle reminder to care for ourselves, fostering a nurturing environment where our intentions can flourish.

The Number 9

Representing completion, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening, the number 9 closes the loop. It embodies the concept of universal love and compassion, encouraging us to let go of what no longer serves us to make way for new beginnings. The number 9 is about reaching a state of higher understanding and embracing the wisdom that comes with looking inward and beyond.

Together, these numbers form a sacred sequence that taps into the universe’s fundamental energies. The 369 manifestation method leverages the unique properties of these numbers, aligning our desires with the universe’s vibrations. By understanding and resonating with these numbers, we unlock a powerful tool for transformation and manifestation, weaving our intentions into the very fabric of reality.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing the 369 Method

Embarking on your 369 manifestation journey is like setting sail towards your dream destination. Here’s your compass and map, guiding you through each step with ease and clarity:

Step 1: Set Your Intention

Define Your Desire

Begin by getting crystal clear about what you want to manifest. Whether it’s a job, a feeling, or a specific outcome, clarity is key.

Be Specific, Yet Open

While specificity can help the universe understand your desire, maintaining an openness to how it unfolds is crucial for alignment with the best possible outcome.

Step 2: Choose Your Affirmation

Craft a Positive Statement

Your affirmation should be positive, present tense, and personal. For example, “I am surrounded by abundance in all areas of my life.”

Keep It Believable

Choose an affirmation that feels attainable and resonates with you. This enhances its power and your belief in the possibility of its manifestation.

Step 3: The 369 Practice

Morning (3 Times)

Upon waking, write your affirmation three times. This infuses your day with a sense of purpose and aligns your morning energy with your intention.

Afternoon (6 Times)

Midday, revisit your affirmation, writing it down six times. This helps to refocus your energy and keep your vibration high amidst daily activities.

Night (9 Times)

Before bed, write your affirmation nine times. This step is crucial as it ensures your last thoughts are aligned with your desires, leveraging the subconscious mind’s power during sleep.

Tips for Maximising Success:

Consistency is Key

Daily practice without skipping is crucial for embedding your affirmation into your subconscious and aligning your energy with your desires.


As you write, visualise your affirmation as already true. Imagine the feelings, sights, and experiences associated with your desire, making it more tangible.

Emotional Connection

Cultivate an emotional bond with your affirmation. The stronger your emotional response, the more potent your manifestation will be.

Patience and Trust

Trust the process and be patient. Manifestation is not instant but unfolds at the right time.

Step 4: Reflect and Adjust

Observe Changes

Keep an eye out for shifts in your life or mindset that align with your affirmation. Celebrating small wins builds momentum.

Stay Flexible

If you feel called to adjust your affirmation or approach, do so. Your journey is unique, and flexibility can lead to even greater outcomes.

Tips for Success with the 369 Method

Embrace Consistency

Daily Dedication

The key to unlocking the power of the 369 method lies in daily practice. Consistency helps to embed your desires deeply into your subconscious, aligning your energy with your goals.

Routine Integration

Incorporate your writing ritual into your daily routine at times that resonate with you, ensuring it becomes a non-negotiable part of your day.

Cultivate Belief

Overcome Doubts

Believe in the power of your affirmations and the process. Overcoming scepticism can significantly amplify the effectiveness of your manifestation efforts.

Trust the Universe

Release control over the outcome. Trust that the universe will deliver in the best way and timing for you.

Practice Visualisation

Vivid Imagery

When writing your affirmations, take a moment to close your eyes and visualise your desires as already fulfilled. The more vividly you can picture your goals, the more real they become to your subconscious.

Emotional Connection

Try to feel the emotions associated with your desired outcome. Joy, gratitude, and excitement are powerful accelerators in the manifestation process.

Incorporate Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditative Writing

Approach your 369 writing sessions as a form of meditation. Let the act of writing be a mindful practice, focusing solely on the moment and the movement of your pen.

Daily Mindfulness

Regular meditation can enhance your manifestation efforts by clearing your mind, reducing stress, and improving focus. Even a few minutes a day can make a significant difference.

Stay Open and Receptive

Open to Outcomes

Be open to how your desires manifest. Sometimes, the universe delivers in unexpected ways. Stay receptive and recognise opportunities that align with your intentions.

Adapt and Adjust

If you feel a particular affirmation isn’t resonating as you’d hoped, don’t be afraid to adjust it. Your journey is personal and evolving.

Celebrate Every Step

Acknowledge Progress

Celebrate the small signs and steps towards your manifestation. Acknowledging progress, no matter how small, fosters a positive mindset and attracts more success.

Gratitude Practice

Incorporate gratitude into your daily practice. Being thankful for what you already have and any signs of progress amplifies positive vibrations.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Lack of Consistency

Skipping days or not sticking to the routine can dilute the power of your intentions.

Make your 369 practice a non-negotiable part of your daily routine, akin to brushing your teeth. Consistency is key to embedding your desires into the universe.

Doubting the Process

Allowing scepticism to overshadow your belief in the method can create a barrier to manifestation.

Keep an open mind and heart. Allow yourself to believe in the possibility of achieving your desires. Remember, belief is a crucial component of manifestation.

Being Too Attached to Outcomes

Fixating on how and when your desires will manifest can create resistance and block the flow of energy.

Focus on your intentions and let go of the outcome. Trust that the universe will deliver in the best way and timing for you.

Neglecting Emotional Connection

Merely writing down affirmations without feeling the emotions of your desired outcome can lessen the impact.

With each writing session, take a moment to truly feel the emotions associated with your affirmations. Joy, gratitude, and excitement can amplify your manifestations.

Overlooking Self-Reflection

Not taking the time to reflect on your journey and adjust your affirmations as needed can lead to stagnation.

Regularly reflect on your practice and feelings. Adjust your affirmations if they no longer resonate. Growth and change are part of the journey.

Impatience and Discouragement

Expecting immediate results and becoming discouraged when they don’t materialise instantly can lead to giving up too soon.

Manifestation is a process that unfolds in divine timing. Patience is vital. Celebrate small signs of progress and maintain a positive outlook.

Staying Focused and Hopeful

To stay focused and hopeful, remind yourself of why you started this journey. Revisit your successes, no matter how small, and remember that manifestation is a journey of growth, learning, and eventual fulfilment. Surround yourself with positivity, whether through inspirational readings, affirmations, or a supportive community. Keeping a journal of your 369 practice can also serve as a tangible reminder of your commitment and progress.

Key Takeaways

As we come to the close of our journey through the enchanting world of the 369 manifestation method, let’s take a moment to reflect on the key insights and steps that can unlock the door to personal transformation. This method isn’t just a routine; it’s a gateway to aligning your desires with the universe’s energy, harnessing the mystical power of numbers to bring your dreams to life.

Recap of Key Points:

Understanding the 369 Method

Rooted in Nikola Tesla’s belief in the power of 3, 6, and 9, this practice involves writing your affirmations in a specific pattern to manifest your desires.

The Power of Intention

Setting clear, positive affirmations and embedding them into your daily routine at specific times amplifies your intentions, connecting deeply with the universe’s vibrations.

Emotional Connectivity and Visualisation

Engaging your emotions and visualising your desires as already fulfilled are crucial steps that enhance the manifestation process.

Consistency and Belief

The essence of the 369 method’s success lies in your belief in the process and your consistency in practising it, allowing the magic of manifestation to unfold over time.

As you embark on or continue your journey with the 369 manifestation method, do so with an open heart and mind. Remember, the path to manifesting your dreams is unique to each individual, filled with its own set of challenges and triumphs. Approach each day with curiosity, and allow yourself to be surprised by the universe’s generosity.

Let this method be a testament to the power of belief, resilience, and determination in your life. May you find joy in the practice, strength in the process, and fulfilment in the outcomes. Remember, the universe is vast, and its abundance is available to all who seek it with sincerity and an open heart.

In the spirit of our shared journey towards empowerment and success, let’s keep our eyes on the stars and our feet on the ground, grounded in the belief that anything is possible when we align our intentions with the universe’s infinite energy.

Embrace the journey, cherish each step, and remember, in the tapestry of the universe, your dreams are the threads that weave the future. Here’s to manifesting a life filled with joy, success, and fulfilment. The power is in your hands, and the time is now. Let the magic of 369 illuminate your path.

With resilience, determination, and optimism, let’s step boldly into our power and manifest the life we envision. The universe is listening.

This blog post is about the 369 manifestation method